Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Social Studies: Revolutionary War

I am in the Parliament!!!Screen Shot 2015-04-14 at 17.34.39.jpg
         By Tom
1st of all this is kind of like a simulation thing about the events leading up to the american revolution and the revolution itself we are doing in class so I didn’t really get into any government things. We picked our roles out of a box thing and I got a slip that said parliament member. There are only 1 of those in a box of about 25 roles so it was about a four percent that I would get that (theoretically).
So I get to sit in the back of the class with my royal assistant (Jimmy) and the tax collector (Aaron). We are the only people with the government, but we have more people on our side than those dirty patriots (They are not dirty just trying to get into character).
Now my question is Should I get a powder wig first? Or a neck tutu? Tough, right. 

1 comment:

  1. I think the powdered wig would suite you.
