Tuesday, February 12, 2013


Being a Claymo Leader
by Iman

In fifth grade you become a claymo leader, a claymo leader has a group to lead with a partner.  What you do is you have fun with them, and get to know them, they become your family.  You also learn different life skills for school and for life.  When we are the leader we learn how to lead or to listen to each other.
                What I get out of this is the privilege to feel like an adult.  One thing that we claymo leaders have to remember is to be kind and gentle to our claymo family.
    My favorite part of claymo is when I get to act like a teacher and pick someone to answer a question that I ask.  Being a claymo leader is great you get to help kids and have fun with other friends making a claymo family.

When I was in 4th grade I was watching my Claymo leaders.  Now I'm in their place following what they did, except in a different way, and I love it!

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