Thursday, May 21, 2015

Science: Mixtures and Solutions

Science unit Mixtures and Solutions
Post by Miguel

Today (May 20th, 2015) was officially our last learning day in the science lab.  And tomorrow, is officially our last day taking an elementary school science test (dramatic music, please).  Pretty sentimental, huh?  
Well, as you can see, this science unit is on mixtures and solutions, pretty much chemicals.  We learned about an item’s solubility, and chemical reactions.  I’d rate this unit 4 out of 5 stars.  It was fun, but could have been better.  
Did you like Mixtures and Solutions?


  1. Nice blog post Migl. I agree that this unit could have been better. I wanted to blow something up. I also agree that this unit is a 4 out of 5.

  2. It was pretty go0d.
