Friday, January 22, 2016

ski school

Ski School

The ski school was fun most of the time but station three was really hard for me because you are supposed to walk up hill when really all I was doing was going down hill. There was seven stations one was how to put on your skies, two and three was walking up hill, four was how to stop, five was the magic carpet, six was going down hill through cones, seven was going down an even steeper hill through cones. Once you were done with that you were free to ski!


  1. Station 3 was hard for me too! It took me so long to get up there! What was your favorite way to get up the hill? Did you have a favorite station?

  2. I bet you are secretly an AMAZING skater, (skier?) and I know that you practiced some resilliance! :)

  3. I agree that station three was the hardest. It took so long to get up. But it was also hard if you have a boy who keeps on falling in front of you.
    Also I like how you described the stations.

  4. I really agree because it was really hard for me too. I kept falling down the hill and it was mostly fun but not really.

  5. I really agree because it was really hard for me too. I kept falling down the hill and it was mostly fun but not really.

  6. I agree because I fell backwards on the cone station a
    lot of times
