Monday, May 9, 2016

STEM by Devon and Mitchell

   Pixel Press  
Today all the districts of Clayton went to the Clayton high school/the center of Clayton and we had stem day. One activity we did was pixel press. You began pixel pressing by using different cubes that represent different colors. It was kind of like mario. When we finished building our world we would take a picture with an iPad and upload it to an app called bloxels. Then we would use bloxels to code what our enemies did and what the powerups gave us. We could choose between walker flyer and sanitary for our enemies and the power ups were jetpack, bombs, health, map, invincibility and shrink potion. We could also add other areas to the levels. I played a level that was mostly coins and lava.   

The most interesting powerup on bloxels was the shrink potion. It turned you one block high (one block on one cube) and everything seemed huge! The moving enemies looked like godzilla! Well, that's all for now, bye!


  1. awesome! but on my game their was no invincibility or shrinking power

  2. can't wait for that!
