Friday, September 5, 2014

Claymo: Marshmellow Challenge

                           By: Tom&Anette        

    The marshmallow challenge includes all of 5th grade at Tillis Park on August 28th for the CLAYMO retreat. We used pasta, masking tape,string, and,of course a big 'ol marshmallow( that we couldn't eat:( ). 
    We did this because we needed to practice our very 1st and awesome CLAYMO lesson YAY. There were tries, failures and victories(in marshmallow archtitecture). It was awesome (like Tom) and fun!  


  1. That was a really good paragraph tom and Annette and that activity was so fun and I wanted to eat the marshmallow sooo bad

  2. Yea I'm in the picture.the marshmallow challenge was so fun and you had to figure out how to make your tower stand.

  3. I like how you made it sound really fun. And it was!!! But my fingers got stiky and got stuk together. :l

  4. I like your story , has a lot of good detail and pictures.
