Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Poetry: Apology Poems

Apology Poem
By: Kate
    The poem that I’m going to share with you is called an apology poem. It is basically a poem apologizing for everyday things that you do. For example, you could be apologizing to your pencil for dropping it on the floor or you could apologize to your clothes for shoving them in the washing machine. I am apologizing to my shoes. I like this kind of poem because it is really funny. Here is the apology poem I wrote:
    Dear Shoes By: Kate
    Shoes, I’m sorry for stepping in mud,
    I was in a big rush to get to school.
    Shoes, I’m sorry for throwing you in the front hall,
    I was starving though!
    Lastly, Shoes, I’m sorry for letting my dog eat you.
    May you rest in peace.
    I picked this poem to share because like I said before, it is funny, and I like making objects come alive and make them seem like people. I hope you liked it!


  1. Great job Kate on the May you rest in peace that was awesome great job

  2. I like the poem kate! Its very disciptive and funny. Good job!

  3. Funny ending Kate!

  4. Tudor, thanks! I actually didn't add the last part until my last edit thing.

  5. I liked your poem Kate and the ending. I can relate to your poem because my dog ate my shoes once.
