Thursday, October 31, 2013

Mr. Diadie

Mr.Diadie was in Glenridge School doing African Dance and teaching it to Glenridge students.Its a four step beat containing both rhythm and repetition.Also Mr.Diadie is very patient with his learners.We also learn some african language while doing African dancing.Mr.Diadie also very focused during teaching,he doesn't go off task he always stays on task.Mr.Diadie is also a very good artist,he likes to draw people doing African dancing moves.But sadly Mr.Diadie is only there once a week,And he also is very funny when it comes to people doing it wrong.He even teaches us where he lives and the continents of Africa.I especially like it when he doesn't get mad and takes his patience and well talks slowly.
Mr.Diadie, thank you for your time, and don't get him mad!


  1. I liked Mr Daggie he was a very good teacher. I thought he came for a week not once a week just so you know, not trying to be mean.

  2. Wow Eva your entry was amazing. You really explained him and how he tough us with a lot of detail. I can see you put a lot of hard work in to this entry. Good job.

  3. Mr. Diadie was really fun, but sometimes it took a bit of practice to get down. I liked how you put lots of detail, you really described it well.

  4. I know right. Ava you can describe really well. And Mr.Diade was really funny. Not as in corny, but as in his actions. ha ha ha........................
