Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SRI Test

The SRI Test

    Today we took the the SRI test down in the library. This is a test that shows you reading level. It also shows weather you are understanding the text that you are reading and other things related to that. You take this test 3 times a year and every time you take the test your score should go up. This information is supposed to help the teachers to know what to help you with.
    When you start the SRI test you have to log in and read the directions. Then it gives you a page with 20 different circles or so and you can pick up to 3 of them. Next ot these circles are words that say a type of genre such as fantasy or mystery. After you pick the genre’s you like you start the test and the test gives you a paragraph and then a question at the bottom of the page. Next to the question is 4 different answers you can chose from. At one of the answer are correct. Trust me. The test gives you different questions depending from your other test scores.
    What do you like to read about?

1 comment:

  1. Hey Abby! This is Manny. I used to like the SRI test, but this one was boring, dull, and stressful. Did you like doing it? I hope you did. To answer your question, I like reading about real people. So I guess you can call it realistic fiction. I also like fantasy if it's not boring. Nice blog.
