Sunday, October 18, 2015

Science: Astronomy Projects

Science Projects
By Iris and Ava

Our Science project is a project that you can make your own, There are different  types of projects that you can choose from a sheet of paper. We both chose ‘Alien’  but there were : Alien , Stars  Tour Guide, Brochure, Free choice, Eclipses, Astronomy history, Constellations & The Big Question!

For Ava’s Alien project I did a cute alien with puppy dog eyes. It looks like a blob of color in pink and blue. They can float with a body of a cloud. They live on Neptune too! I also made a brochure telling the reader what my alien looks like and what it is. My favorite part of my alien was probably the drawing in the brochure. They have cute little cloud houses that float because Neptune is made of gasses and ice. They are also best friends with iris’s alien the saturnians. And I think that it is pretty cool :) This is what Ava’s Alien looks like:

Iris’s aliens are called the Saturnians. They live on Saturn and they have a tail to swim through the gasy surface of Saturn. They can also fly with their beautimus wings though tough storms of Saturn. They are besties with the Bopz a.k.a. Ava’s  alien. They girls have 1 tail and 1 pair of wings. And the boys have 2 tails and also 1 pair of wings. They soar around the galaxy shipping packages and mailing letters to friends and visiting them. Here is what they look like:

Free choice:
Here is a free choice. In free choice, you can basically do whatever you would like to do! But it has to be based off of astronomy.

Tour Guide:
Here is a tour guide. In a tour guide, you can choose a couple planets and research and then  tie it all together in a brochure.

Here is a brochure. In a brochure, you can research a planet and put interesting facts about that planet into a brochure.

1 comment:

  1. thought this piece of writing was quite interesting hope to see more good work well done iris
