Thursday, January 16, 2014

Restaurant Review: Lester's

Restaurant Review: Lesters

    Lesters is an amazing restaurant where they have ravioli, mini burgers, salad and more. Lesters has a few TV’s that only show the channels where the sports games are played. There is a glass cage thingy with lots of baseballs signed by famous baseball players. Right before you walk in the door to go inside Lesters there is a statue of Stan the Man.
    Inside the restaurant all over the walls there are picture of famous baseball players. Now from this description you might be thinking this place is not a family friendly place to eat but really it is. Trust me. This restaurant brightens my day when I go there to eat so I suggest that you try it.

        What is your favorite restaurant?

1 comment:

  1. I love Lesters. There, my family was sitting down on the table closest to the brick outside. Then, something horrible happened. The person who was parking slipped on the wheel and bumped into a pole. If the pole was not there, the car would have broken through the brick, and my Mom and all of us would get injured. My mom would break her back. I'm not kidding. Her back was to the brick. This is Manny.
