Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Snow Dodge Ball

             The Snow Dodgeball Game
                BY:Mya #3

This is a game that my big brother invented.
It is called  snow dodge ball!!!
This is what you need:


2:an alley

3:a football or a type of ball

Okay, what you do is you have to have an alley and split up into teams. Next you have to get the type of ball that you have and give it to the person that you guys agree with.

The next thing you have to do is get some snow that is hard enough to make a snowball and make sure that you have NO! and I mean NO! ice in it or it will be some real crazy injuries. Another thing you have to do is you have to not go over the alley edge or if you go over it and you hit the person then that person is NOT out.Then you just play and play and play. And also you can not catch the snowball or you are out.

What do you think about the game do will you play it next snow day or not?


  1. Love the idea, Mya. I'll try it next time I have an "idea"

  2. That sounds so cool Mya. This is Manny. I liked how the game sounded. Your big brother sounds really creative! Nice blog, Mya.

    To the BOTH of you!!
    You guys are the best!
