Monday, October 6, 2014

Poetry: I Am Poem

Poem! by jimmy
I am  going to show you what I am like, and what you can use to learn about  others with a small, meaningful poem:
                I Am                  
I am a 1 of a kind guy who goes gonzo over video games,
I wonder that skys can fall on us,
I hear the words of relatives,
I see the tortures and lucks of the world,
I want what all has desired,
I am a 1 of a kind guy who goes gonzo over video games,

I pretend I can move mountains,
I feel the touch of my brother,
I touch the world with peace and power,
I worry I lose my mind,
I cry over all,good and bad,
I am a 1 of a kind guy who goes gonzo over video games,

I understand peace is the key,
I say “ what up, boy-eeeee!”,
I dream weird stuff, you don’t want to know,
I try to WIN!,
I laugh at opponents,
a am a 1 of a kind guy who goes gonzo over video games.

I shared this poem because it resembles me, and gives a juicy description.
What would you write if you were making a I am poem?


  1. I relly like your poem because you can relate to it like what you wonder about and what your love for video games.great job jimmy. from Aaron.

    1. Thanks! I liked how you added that you can relate.

  2. Great job.Nice poem.

  3. Jimmy,
    This poem is totally you! Does video games cover plantsV.S zombies?

  4. Miguel aka the guy with the neatest handwritingOctober 9, 2014 at 3:57 PM

    I loved your first line a lot!

    1. Thanks! Like Ariana said, it's me!

  5. I really like your discription, Jimmy!

    1. Thanks! I try to go to the point where I am specific and still understandable.

  6. Jimmy
    Sounds a lot like you, Jimmy!
