Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Book Review: Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone

Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone By J.K. Rowling
            Book Review by Tom
    Harry Potter is a 11 year old wizard but he doesn’t know that he is a wizard because his aunt and uncle who took him in (because his parents died) hate magic. Then owls start delivering letters to Harry saying that he has been accepted into hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry. Will his aunt and uncle let him go to hogwarts or will he be trapped with his aunt and uncle forever?
    This book as you may know is the 1st of a 7 book series (which in my humble opinion IS THE BEST BOOK SERIES EVER!!!!!!). I would rate every Harry Potter 5/5 because they are super descriptive, they have a awesome story and they have a awesome charters. So if you haven’t READ THIS BOOK AND THE REST OF THE SERIES NOW!!!!!!!!!!!!

1st book in a Danish


  1. Isn't it sorcerers stone not philosophers stone??? And I love the hp seiries it is awesome!!!!

  2. It's both, Izzy

  3. Ya JKR changed for when she sold it in the US so that customers would know that the book had magic in it.

  4. I love the book.
