Monday, November 4, 2013

Claymo Meeting #3

Claymo by Aidan

We had our Claymo meeting #3.  We read a book about blue and he was bullied by red. The other colors did not step up for him. Then 1 came and stood up for blue and all the colors became numbers. Red wanted to change and was nice and they were all good. Then we made bookmarks and that was all. we will keep you in by.


  1. I loved that story. It was corny, but still, I loved it. Very inspiring.................. if your learningof colors and numbers, when their not so boring. Now it's like."I learned what 1 + 1 is today! It's - " I'm learning how to add and subract millions. So anyway, even if your in 5th grade, it's a very nice story.

  2. Hi Aidan!
    That story was awesome and I love it so much! it thought the kids how to stop bulling by colors! man,how do they do it
