Friday, November 22, 2013

Guesstimate Jar

               Guesstimate Jar!!!!!!
                   By: Sam

    In school I have always felt the need for some candy, don't you? Like a victory prize at the end of the week for all your hard work. That makes you fell like your work has payed off. Well, 5B has one, we have the GUESSTIMATE JAR.

    Each week someone fills the jar with some type of candy and they know how many of them are in there. Then all throughout the week kids guess how many there are and the one that is the closest is the winner.
Every one gets an even amount of candy but the winner gets a lot more then everyone else, then that winner has to fill it up for the next week. If it is a tie then we draw sticks with our names on them to see who wins.

Have you won before, and if yes how did you fell when your name was called?

Do you have any other ideas for celebrating your work?

                - Sam

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