Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Secret Word

            Secret Word
                By: Emma
    During social studies we are doing this activity called secret word. What we do is our teacher calls a student over in the corner and she gives him or her a word and we have to sneak into a speech. for example, say your word is rain. you would try to put it into a speech. Our class is split up into 4 table pods.
    After him or her says their speech, The other 3 table groups have to guess what the word is. If none of the table groups get it right, the team with the person who did the speech gets 30 points. If one team gets the right answer they get 20 points and the team that got it right gets ten points and so on. Secret word is really fun and I suggest you try it! Have fun!
        If you had the word rain how would your speech go?


  1. I loved doing secret word. It was so fun to tell a funny story, everybody did better then I thought people would. Sometimes it was just a random word like bee.

  2. I liked secret word because you could say anything about anything. I liked my turn because I tricked everyone.

  3. Secret word was the best seeping stone so far but the speeches are really fun

  4. Secret word sounds really fun. I'd want to play also maybe we can try in our class
    Your partner,

  5. Hi Emma. It's Manny here. I loved secret word. Did you? It was so fun to do. I wished mine was better, although a lot of people laughed. Nice blog.
