Thursday, February 20, 2014

100 Word Challenge: Abby

            100 Word Challenge

    It was there. The U F O. It had come. It was hovering over my neighbor's house but they were not home. I wonder what they will do and think when they get home. I wanted to do something but my mom and sister were at the grocery store. I could call 911 but what could they do about it? I wanted to be somewhere else in a happy place but what could I do now? I was really scared and wanted someone to be with me. Should I leave it alone? Or should I go towards the frightening object?


  1. HI ABBY!
    That is very scary and crazy! I would say DON'T GO NEAR THE U F O! EVER!!!

  2. HI ABBY!
    that is very scary if I were you I would say DON'T GO NEAR THE U F O! EVER!!!
