Wednesday, March 25, 2015

100 Word Challenge: Taayan

This would be my ultimate adventure. I would have $999,999,999,999,991 and I would sue every McDonald's of making fake food and turning people obese. Then I would buy all the baseball parks in the world and I would by the Cardinals, the baseball team. I would then swim down to the bottom of the pacific ocean and I would try to come back up with no oxygen mask. After that,I would go home and try drink 6 bottles Gatorade of in less 15 seconds. After that,I would lay down and take a nap for 6 straight hours. 

1 comment:

  1. On the third line you need to write 'for' and not 'of'. Wow that's alot of money! I like your use of the money too! It's a bit dangerous to do that without an oxygen mask-How brave of you! On the second last line you don't need 'of'. You need a space after your comma. If I had done all that I think I would need a nap for six hours straight too!
