Thursday, December 19, 2013

Miss Juergens

     Miss Juergens by Manny

    Miss Juergens an awesome substitute teacher. Mrs.Barnes uses her a lot and when she comes, she already knows a bit about what we are doing. That's because she comes a lot in a short amount of time, so she already taught a little about what we are currently doing in school. One day, we struggled so much we focused on that the next few days. We wrote letters about what happened and we even had a wole powwow about it! But the next few times we did not perfect, but we did better than the last few times. Miss Juergens rocks.
    I'm going to tell you about her. She is funny and speaks her own opinion. She even said our transition from math to social studies sucks! I applauded her. So did other people. She also knows us very well. She knoes our personalities and what we like and stuff. Also our behavior. Sometimes I wish we would have better transitions, but I can't control the whole class. Also, Miss    Juergens has a lot of funny and interesting connections to what we are doing in school to her own life. I always listen with rapped attention. Doesn't she just sound awesome? Well, I hope you think she sounds as awesome as she is. Miss Juergens is the best substitute teacher I ever had. And now you know why.

Have you ever had a substitute as good as Ms. Juergens?

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