Friday, December 20, 2013

Peace Ball

The Peace Ball by Tim

Every year in November teachers give out peace loops to children who do something peaceful.  Then the children connect all the peace loops their class earns into an big chain, and then we measure the chains, and we count the peace loops in the chains.  Then an group of children rolls the chains into a big ball, around a core consisting of a tennis ball with an cut in it.  Mrs. Spann collects papers with words of peace on them from the children and puts them in the ball.  At the Holiday Sing, it is displayed.  This year’s ball was 6 pounds! 

Did your parents have something similar in their school?

1 comment:

  1. HI TIM!
    Wow this year our peace ball was 6 pounds?!! that is crazy I hope that we might get even moer peace loops for next year!
