Kate Klise author visit
Hello Fellow Blog Reader!,
This is Ariana reporting. On wednesday an author came to our school. Her name is Kate Klise. She has written tons of fab books! She is a very good author and works with her sister to publish her books . Her sister Sarah M. Klise is the illustrator to her books. Unfortunately only Ms Kate Klise came to our school. I fully love Mrs.Sarah M. Klise’s illustrations. My favorite book by this cool couple is… Well, I lOVE all their books. But I have to admit my favorite is The fourth book in the 43 old Cemetery Road series. (The phantom in the post office)
Together they written TONS of childrens books and chapter books. Kate Klise has written; Regarding the fountains, Regarding the sink, Regarding the bathrooms, and Regarding the Bee’s. She has also written; Dying to meet you, over my dead body, till death do us bark, the phantom in the post office, Hollywood dead ahead, and greetings from the cemetary. She has also written chapter books that are not in a series such as; Letters from Camp, Grounded, and Home Sick. These are only some of her chapter books for kids my age. There are more chapter books. Let alone picture books and early readers chapter books. I highly recommend these books for anyone! Here is the link! www.kateandsarahklise.com. Has an author ever visited your school??
So much details. I want to read the 4th book because of your book report , I'm guessing it's pretty good to have it in 2 blog post. Awesome blog post Ariana.