Monday, October 20, 2014

Book Review: Where the Red Fern Grows

Book review: Where the Red Fern Grows  
by Emma

This book by Wilson Rawls was one of the best books I read but it was so so so so so so so so sad it made me cry so hard. It is about a young boy who really badly wants two hunting dogs and he works for years to get them. And when he finally has enough $$$$  to get them he sets off to get them on his own. He gets his dogs home and then he hunts in the woods with them this book was written a long time ago so people still hunted. The dogs turn out to be really good hunters and their names are Little Ann and Old Dan. Little Ann is clever and Old Dan is kind of reckless but strong and big, (hey what can you expect he’s just a dog?!). I think I’ve told enough so YOU CAN GO READ THE BOOK ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. I think it sounds like an amazing book Emma! I should read it. Next time you do a book review try and include a bit more detail. But other than that your review on the book was excellent!! Well done.

  2. I really like your review! You didn't give away anything, yet you told me enough to make me want to read it.

  3. Miguel aka the guy with the neatest handwritingNovember 5, 2014 at 3:38 PM

    Nice job! That book sounds interesting!

  4. It sound like a really good book. And you did a good job not telling the ending of the story.
