Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Social Studies: Explorers


In social studies class we are learning about famous explorers from a long time ago. Each student has a different explorer and is researching that explorer. This information will be displayed to glenridge parents and we get to show the fourth graders our work. It is fun to research and find out fun facts about people that made the history books.Some students {like me} are not studying a explorer. But instead a explorer related topic. Some examples are Explorer Ships, Explorer maps, and conflicts.
 We get to choose the way we present our information. We can make childrens story’s, i movies, key notes, powerpoint, glogster, posters, and prezi’s to show our work. Do you like research projects??


  1. I like research projects but they take a lot of time. My explorer was Fridtjof Nansen.

  2. Good job on your story and Yes I like to research projects because then you'll find a lot of info about the explorer and then the more info you have the better grade you'll get and you'll also get more credit by doing more info each in every time.

  3. Jean,
    Did you figure out how to say your explorer's name??
