Sunday, October 19, 2014

Book Review: Wonder


    The book by R.J Palaccio is simply fantastic! The plot is mind blowing. The characters will have  thinking and loving the book even more. This book is a short and sweet read that you will never forget. This book is told from the point of view from a lot of different characters from the main character himself to his sisters boyfriend!
    In this book August Pullman a normal boy who has a deformed face enters the scene. For the first time he is going to go to school. This presents lot’s of problems. He meets to friends which is a good sign. But life isn’t perfect. When a big bully steps in to the scene is Auggie really ready for reality? Life is no cake. Will his big sister always be there to stand up for him? She thinks that she needs to teach Auggie how to stand up for himself.
Do you stand up to bullies?


  1. I love this book so so so so so so so so so so so so so much!!!!! It was probably one of the best books I have EVER read. And I love the pictures too that you posted (And don't worry I'm not a Julian :D)

  2. Emma,
    I love the book too. I am glad you like it! F.Y.I I am not Julian either! LOL

  3. This is my favorite book by far that I've ever read! Your pics are funny and your post really pulls me in. Good job:)

  4. Might read it, how long is it?

    1. Tudor,
      It is about 300 pages long if you get the special edition which includes the Julian section!
      P.S You really should read it!!!

  5. Wow, Ariana, you totally made me want to read this book. You told me all about it and you also didn't give away the plot or the ending. Thanks! I needed a book.

  6. Miguel aka the guy with the neatest handwritingNovember 5, 2014 at 3:29 PM

    Not the first recomendation for this book, I really want to read it now!

  7. I am reading the book but I have not finished the full book but it is really good so far and I bet it will through the full book.

  8. I found the keep calm and don't be julian poster very funny!
