Thursday, October 2, 2014

Poetry: Idiom Poem

 My Idiom Poem
by Thomas
 I am going to show you my favorite poem that I made.  So sit back and read. But first I'm going to tell you about it. This poem is an idiom poem, an idiom poem is like you know, ‘’When pigs fly’’ or ‘’Butterflies in your stomach. Well this poem is going to be the literal meaning of the idiom poem. I think this poem is special because it’s funny and literal.

 When Pigs Fly

                                    my dad always says when pigs fly
                                        and I always thought that it meant never.
                                                           I was wrong.
                      and suddenly I saw a flying pig look at me through the window.
                                         and then I got up and ran to the door
                           and then I looked outside at the pigs flying everywhere.
                                        next time my dad say when pigs fly
                                                  I should listen carefully.

    I like this poem the best because it has flying pigs and instead of the meaning it’s the literal meaning.  I think that’s cool because I've never heard of it.


  1. I really like your poem because of the same reasons. And I like flying pigs.

  2. funny tommy when pigs fly ha!
