Thursday, October 2, 2014

Poetry: I Am Poems

              I Am Poem

My poem is about soccer. That is my favorite sport.
I am writing a I am poem it is when you want something
/ wish would happen . My dream is about If I was a professional soccer player what would I do.

I am a nerd that  loves to play soccer.
I wonder if I will be the best soccer player in the world.
I hear that  Messi   i s   the   best  soccer   player ever
I  s e e  the ball  i n   the   goal that I   scored.
 I  w a nt   t o  b e  t h e  b e s t  s o c c e r  p l a ye r   in   the   world.
I  a m   a  n e rd    t ha t   lo v e s  t o  p l a y  s o cc e r.

I  pretend that I   am  the  best  soccer  player  i n the   world.
I feel the crowd   cheering  f o r  me.
 I  t o uc h   th e   soccer ball.
I  worry about   in injury.
I   cry   about  injuries.
I   am  a   nerd   that
t  loves    to   play   soccer.    

I   understand    soccer.
I   s ay   s oc c e r  i s   the   best  sport.
I   dream about   me  being the best soccer  player ever.
i  t r y  m y  b e s t  i n   socc e r
I  l a u ge   w he nt a   w ins
I   am  a  nerd   that   loves  to play soccer.

I am proud that I am a good soccer player.I picked this poem because I like soccer and that these is what is wish I would be.
I hope you will be a good partner (you will be a good partner.          By     Biruk   


  1. Very detailed.I like soccer too!

    1. I love love love love soccer too

  2. Biruk,
    I like your poem it really describes you! Do you consider yourself a nerd? How come?

  3. Biruk I liked how your poem was about soccer!

  4. You do love soccer biruk

  5. Biruk, this is a really cool poem! Soccer is my favorite sport.

  6. I like your I am Poem. Has a lot of info about soccer which makes the story good.

  7. Biruk,
    Very creative! I could agree with many things, but others not so much (Messi). But AWSOME job!!!!!

  8. how, Messi is the best player in the world ronaldo suck because he did not do to the world cup final Messi did. Why are people a making a argument about them two and now people are saying that Messi is better.
