Friday, October 31, 2014

Social Studies: Speeches

By Neha

In social studies this week we have been doing speeches on our talents, interest, and hobbies. The variety varies from Harry Potter spells to history facts to making brownies. Each speech is different in it’s own ways. And for a change you kind-of get to be the teacher!
    The speech includes four parts, an introduction, a thesis, the steps or a development, and finally a conclusion. The introduction is usually a question or a statement. The thesis is telling the audience what you will be performing or doing in the development. A development is the steps that show the listeners the informational facts. This step of your speech is most likely the longest part and the most interesting. Last but not least is the conclusion. In the conclusion you restate your thesis and end with a reminder, tip or a thank you.
    Just remember rehearse your speech before performing, make sure you know what to do, have all your props(if required), make it 2-3 minutes, be comfortable speaking in front of a large group of people  and have fun! Now ask yourself this. Will you be able to do this?  How?


  1. Neha, you described the four parts really well!! I like listening to speeches and learning how to do new things.

  2. I really liked doing the speeches. It was FUN!!!!!!!

  3. Neha,
    This is exactly what speeches were like........ Your post covers it all!

  4. I wonder how many speeches are left?Not too many for sure.

  5. One factor I think helps is to watch other people perform their speeches to get ideas
