Friday, March 28, 2014

100 Word Challenge: Sarah

I should be a night zookeeper because I'm fantastic at every job I do. I think perfectly no matter what! Don't even bother asking me about my athletic agility, because it's unheard of in Nilth. Besides, with my brains, my bronze, and the other night zookeepers doing whatever I say. Then Nilth will no longer be a problem anymore. Once those monsters of Nilth see me, they will scream like little girls all the way back to where they came from. Those are basically all the reasons why I should be a night zookeeper. Now, what are yours?


  1. Hello Cara,
    Thank you for your application. Yes, we have literally received hundreds of applications from young, would-be zoo-keepers. We are left with a difficult choice. It sounds like you have some good experience but I would like to hear more about you athletic agility. The Nilth sound rather dangerous. Did you take all necessary precautions?

    Most of all, though, keep writing!

  2. Sarah your entry was very funny and convincing. Good job. I would like a part time job. It sounds like you would be a great worker.
