Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Wydown Play

                Wydown Play by Manny

    The Wydown Play was very entertaining. We went there at 11:30. We've been to one of their plays, and that was in the fall. There were many characters in it, more than I've seen in a while. My favorite part was when my brother sang his song "Rain". It was very fun to watch. When he showed me the song sang on Broadway on YouTube.com, he did it surprisingly well and a little different from what I've imagined.
    The play was very good. There was a lot of dancing, and singing. I had thoughts about crying when they sang that song about Tee Moon. It was a sad moment in the play. There was a tiny bit of romance in it. It was very sweet and touching. Some kids laughed at the cheesy lines of romance, but I just watched. The play was very good and we all enjoyed watching it. Did you like the play? 

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