Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Writing: A Typical Mystery - Part 5

A Typical Mystery:Part 5 by Manny 

    Recently, we found footsteps that were leading us straight ahead. It was a very good sign, after we all just wondered around for hours. Anyway, it has been about 15 minutes since then.
    “I’m so glad we’re headed in the right direction!” Cinderella beamed.
    “I know! Me too! It’s so great how we’re finally headed somew-” Happy cut Goldilocks off and scolded, “Enough said, ladies.” I was surprised to see him that way. Maybe he was just stressed out.
    We followed the footsteps and came to a stop soon. Is this a stopping point? Did the stealer head another direction? I was too busy looking at the ground to see that there was a house right in front of me. It was a brown house, with a few windows, but you could barely see through it.
    “Should we knock?” Goldilocks asked. We all answered with a nod of our heads. Elsa was in front of us, so she stepped up to knock. Suddenly, the door opened. A woman was there, she was more on the side of ugly, with that acne and pimples and blisters spreading around her whole face.
    “Well, hello! Do you guys need something?” she asked nervously. We all looked at each other, wondering why she seemed so scared.
    “We were wondering about the Golden Apple? Do you, perhaps, ever heard of it or know who has it?” Cinderella asked. The woman answered,”I don’t know what you’re talking about. Goodbye now!” She quickly shut the door. We looked at each other with the same expression: ANGER.
    “She either has it, or knows who has it.” That was Happy. We all agreed with him. Elsa walked up to the door. She gathered a HUGE ball of ice, and some ice snow balls, and threw them at the door. The door burst open with a loud crash. We all hurried in, but before we all went in, the woman and two other woman came down with shock in their eyes. What happened?, is what they were were probably thinking.
    “We know that you have, or knows who stole the Golden Apple!” Rapunzel yelled.
    “You can’t prove anything!” one of the other girls said. Elsa and all of us had fury in our eyes. “You don’t want to do this!” Elsa said. “If you want to fight, that’s the way it’s gonna be!”

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