Wednesday, February 26, 2014

100 Word Challenge: Diniti

Cynthia stabbed the earth. She placed the seeds and covered them with dirt. Grandpa told her to plant them when she was sad. Grandpa died, and she had never cried harder. Cynthia had planted the seeds beneath the apple tree.
    Cynthia woke up to the sound of rumbling. She sat up just in time to see a emerald stem growing, pushing through the earth. The leaves flourished, and a blue glowing flower bloomed. As it opened, a hologram to flicker from the middle. It was her Gramps, smiling at her, Then he, and the flower was gone. All that was left were seeds.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Diniti! I like how you put all the attention on the seeds, so readers were anxious to find out what would happen to the seeds. I was surprised to find out that the hologram was what happened when the seeds were planted.

    I liked how you had the idea of making the special words go into the story. It was smart to make it a growing plant! I also like how you made her plant it because she was sad. From Emma
