Sunday, February 23, 2014

Sunday Workouts

Sundays Workout by Manny 

    My dad and I go out on Sundays to the Center of Clayton to work out. It’s for my tennis, so I can get stronger. It’s really fun, I get to run around the thing, use weights, and many other things. Do you go to workout sometimes? Well, if you don’t you should! You can get healthy and stronger.
    So, when my dad and I go over there, he has me jog around the thing about 2 times. Then, I have to run around also. It’s really fun, but you get tired easily. Anyway, we then lift weights. I use 3 pound weights. We do bicep curls, a movement where you lift the weight up, and rest them down close to your shoulders. I forgot to add, we also use mats to do push ups, planks, and other exercises. I believe you should workout too. It’s really fun, and you can get healthy with fun exercises. What do you do on Sundays?

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