Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Writing: A Typical Fantasy, Part 7

A Typical Fantasy:Part 7 by Manny
    Rapunzel was a very nice person, if you had not known that. She is very inviting. Rapunzel led us into her house where we were most likely safe.
    “You guys are not safe. The ruler now, Rocket, is very scary. And big!” she exclaimed. Scratch that, we were not safe. If we could just find a way to end this! They would live safely and there would be no worries. But Rocket was the worry. I suddenly heard footsteps coming downstairs. I saw a flash of a long blonde braid. She wore a blue dress. It was shining through the light of the sun.
    “Oh my gosh, you’re Queen Elsa!” I screamed.
    “Shhhhh! But yes, I am. Let me guess, you watched the movie?” I nodded. “Well, it’s pretty successful. Anyways, I live with Rapunzel secretly because Rocket kicked me out because of my ice and snow powers.” She then rolled her eyes.
    “Why can’t you just use your ice powers?” Happy asked. I saw her eyes light up with satisfaction. “You’re right! Why didn’t I think of that before?” Elsa seemed so happy right now. I saw a guard with an arrow looking at the window. He pointed it at Elsa.
    “Watch out, Elsa!!!” Me and Happy screamed. She turned just in time to freeze it and it fell to the ground. Many guards came bursting in. It all happened so fast. Happy scurried across the floor and bit on a guards leg. A guard headed for me, no biggie. I played football, just to make that clear. He almost wrapped his hands around my neck, but I ducked and tripped him. I was so strong, I lifted him up and threw him out the window. Queen Elsa was easily using her powers to blow the guys and guards off balance. I looked behind me and all around me. No more guards. No more people being violent. It was all over.
    I saw Happy, Rapunzel, and Queen Elsa, all tired. We won the fight against all the guys, kicked them till they went to the river and floated away, and won.
    “Well, what do we do now?”
    “We are going to have to take over Rocket, if we have to,” answered Rapunzel. I looked behind me and into the light of the window. A person was staring at us, anger on his/her face. I was confused. What was happening? Who was that. I suddenly remembered.
    “Oh, guys?” I said, trying to get their attention.
    “Yeah?” they all asked in unison.
    “Rocket’s here!!! He’s out there looking at us!!!!!!!”

1 comment:

  1. HI MANNY!
    OMGOMGOMG! I wonder what Rocket is going to do to them! I am kinda worried I mean what are they going to do,fight them like they did with the gards? Well,I guess I'm going to have to read to find out!
