Saturday, February 22, 2014

Writing: A Typical Fantasy, Part 8

A Typical Fantasy:Part 8 by Manny 

    It was crazy, seeing Rocket again. It was like seeing the devil, but much worse. I swallowed with nervousness. What’s next? That’s the question I kept asking myself over and over and over. It looked like Rocket had something in his hand. I’m not sure what it was, but I’m sure he was going to find a way to hurt us.
    “Guys, back up slowly”, Rapunzel suggested. I would back up fast. It’s not like he couldn’t see us. He could.
    “Guys, come on. COME ON!!!!!!!” I yelled. Together, we burst out the back door. It wasn’t gonna help, because Rocket could easily run around the house to the back. But that didn’t matter. I looked around and didn’t see anything. But then I saw a flash of Rocket sneak up behind Elsa. He covered her mouth and led Elsa back into the house. Happy and I rushed over as quickly as we could. Happy scurried and jumped quickly onto Rocket’s legs. He quickly clawed his sharp nails onto the legs of Rocket. I bit his hand.
    “Aaaaahhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!” Rocket screeched. He must’ve been in pain. Soon, I heard Rapunzel bursting through the door with her hair down. She held a frying pan and knocked it on the side of his head.
    “A frying pan is always a helpful weapon.” I laughed at that, and quickly got serious. Elsa was on the floor, breathing slowly. To our surprise, the other Disney and classic stars came. I saw the whole Mickey Mouse crew come and help us out. Daffy Duck was stomping on the guys foot. Minnie took a swack at the head of Rocket’s head with the same frying pan. As everyone helped, Rocket soon got up, limping and throwing them off of him. He came for us and pushed on the ground. I was frightened. I looked up in the bright sky. Was this it? I soon saw Elsa in the distance. She built a snowball at him and said this,”Hey, weakling. Come after me!” Rocket charged at her right when she made some ice and it was sharp, with one throw she could knock Rocket. Forever. Everything was happening at once. Will Rocket die? It was scary, and we all closed our eyes, afraid to see the death of Rocket. We then opened our eyes. There he lay, on the ground. I stared, even though I shouldn’t have.
    “Lets throw him in the river!” Happy exclaimed.
    “No. It’ll get all bloody,” piped up Elsa. We decided to take him farther in the forest and bury him.
    “We killed him!” I said happily. But then, I looked at Elsa, and Rapunzel, and Happy. I had to go home.
    “Now that you’ve taken me home, what do you do now?” Happy asked.
    “I have to go back home. So I guess this is goodbye.”

1 comment:

  1. HI MANNY!
    This one was too scary! I didn't think Rocket would DIE! Why would Elsa do that? But the good thing is that they got the forest is safe AGAIN!

