Monday, February 24, 2014

Book Review: Henry's Freedom Box

         Henry's Freedom Box by Eva

We read a book called Henry's Freedom Box.  It was about a boy who ships himself to freedom.  He is African-American and his family gets sold at a slave auction. Yes, they are slaves.

If I were a slave I would not wanna get sold to another family.  I would also not want to work to death.I would do what Henry did, I would ship myself to freedom.  I think it's called Henry's Freedom Box because he ships himself in a box!

Have you read this book?


  1. Good job Eva! This is Manny here. I want to say that you did really well on saying what the book was about. I also like how you put yourself in his shoes and shared your thoughts. I liked Henry's Freedom Box.

  2. Eva,
    Although you don't know me, {I am a student in Mrs.Barnes class this year} I want to answer your question. I have read that book. It is inspiring and I would do the same if I were a slave!
