Monday, April 7, 2014

A Typical Character Guide

A Typical Character Guide by Manny
     I have written my first two series’, A Typical Fantasy and A Typical Mystery. Please enjoy the character guide I’ve made for you. Find your favorite characters, and see what you didn’t know about them!      
         Main characters:
Brad-First Appearance in A Typical Fantasy Part 1. Last appearance, A Typical Mystery:Part 8
Happy- (a squirrel) First appearance-A Typical Fantasy:Part 1. Last appearance-
Elsa (from Frozen) First appearance-A Typical Fantasy: Part 7. Last appearance-
Rapunzel (from the fairy tales) First appearance-A Typical Fantasy:Part 6. Last appearance-
Goldilocks(from the fairy tales)First appearance-A Typical Mystery:Part 3. Last appearance-
Cinderella(from fairy tales) First appearance-A Typical Mystery:Part 3. Last appearance- A Typical Mystery:Part 11
Anna(from Frozen) First appearance-A Typical Mystery:Part 8. Last appearance-
Flynn(from Tangled) First appearance-A Typical Mystery:Part 8. Last appearance-

Brad: Kind, hopeful, caring. Hobbies: Baseball, reading, quests.
Happy: Kind, funny, respectful. Hobbies: Playing, scurrying, making jokes.
Elsa: Nice, uncontrollable anger issues. Hobbies: Relaxing, making friends.
Rapunzel: Kind, caring, respectful, sharing. Hobbies: Making friends, reading.
Goldilocks: Shy, prepared. Hobbies: Playing with Happy.
Cinderella: Bratty, spoiled, annoying. Hobbies: Unknown
Anna: Kind. Hobbies: Spending time with her sisters.
Flynn:Brave, nice. Hobbies:Quests.

Goldilocks, Brad, Elsa, Cinderella.
                Brown hairs:
Anna, Flynn,
Happy, a light brown, small squirrel.

1 comment:

  1. Manny,
    Descriptive! I like how you describe some of the disney Characters.
