Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Abby's Blog

                                      Abby’s Blog by Manny 

    Reading the title, you may wonder why it’s titled “Abby’s Blog”. Well, I’m here to talk about how it inspired me. Abby’s blog was called hats. It started off with a poem about different types of hats. Then, she made a connection to the class. Abby said we all wear different hats because we are all different. Like, Ethan loves books, Sam is really funny, Sofia’s very nice. We are all different. Also, Abby’s blog made me connect to Mr.Terupt’s class. Although we don’t have a Lexie, we have people that our just like the characters in Because of Mr.Terupt. 

    I’m glad Abby wrote a great blog about our class of 5B. Her blog made me think of how special our own class is. I always think it’s a regular class and blah blah blah. But now because of Abby, I look at my own class as something that is special and grand. I also want to thank Abby about writing such a great piece of writing that makes me think. By the way, the blog is called “Hats” if you want to read it. What blogs have inspired you?

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