Friday, January 17, 2014

Shark Tank

Shark Tank by Manny 

    There’s this show called Shark Tank. It’s about these entrepreneurs who hope to make a successful company or business. They come in with an amount of money and percent for the one of the famous entrepreneurs to take. of their company. The entrepreneurs who are there to see the product are some of the best at making companies in the world. The person who comes in talks about their business and such. The famous company makers ask what unit sales they’ve made so far...etcetera  etcetera. At the end, they say whether they want to invest in the company or not. It’s an amazing show. If you want to be a business person or entrepreneur when you grow up, then watch the show! It’s a great chance for people with dreams of being in the business to be on Shark Tank. Also, it’s a great show for looking and noticing interesting things. Like one time, there was this guy who had a wine making company. And, there was a person who had this shop called Blondie’s Cookies. The show is awesome, so ask your parents if you can check the show out. 

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